2. Ausbildungsjahr 2023
Die Utopie ist ein Sehnsuchtsort, Projektion unserer Träume und Wünsche, ein Versprechen und der Grund, warum wir weitermachen, uns transzendieren und vorwärts gehen.
„Utopia lies at the horizon.
When I draw nearer by two steps,
it retreats two steps.
If I proceed ten steps forward,
it swiftly slips ten steps ahead.
No matter how far I go, I can never reach it.
What, then, is the purpose of utopia?
It is to cause us to advance.“ (Eduardo Galeano)
14 human beings share in short pieces their paths of what’s underneath their own utopias: the steps, the obstacles, the fears, the achievements, their trips and all that lies under the impulse to keep moving foward.
What’s under your utopia?

Betsy Contreras Lara, Charlotte Maria Kiparski, Emilie Heitmann, Francisco Javier Hernández, Friscarlin Nathaly Constance Alcántara, Giorgia Varano, Hannah Elisabeth Koidl, Hyunjin Lee, Lara Sophia Brenneisen, Lisa Natalia Torres Luna, Mariana Martínez Salgado, Miriam Hirt, Noa Calcagno, Virendra Nishad